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In 2024, consumer behavior arguably remains the most vexing impediment to succeeding with subscription media, and the prevalence of churn and the abundance of competition for subscription dollars have compelled many providers of subscription services to bolster their revenue with ad-supported tiers. However, creative bundling strategies provide another effective means of keeping subscription services afloat, to the degree that the industry might be developing “bundle-itis.“来自 Roku, Philo, Bango, Hub娱乐研究, and Lightswitch discuss the mechanics and benefits of bundling in this clip from 纽约流媒体.


小组的主持人, Monica Villar, Lightswitch的联合创始人兼首席执行官, notes that streaming subscription churn rates have reached levels that were unanticipated 10 to 15 years ago, 捆绑销售作为一种纠正措施一直在上升. She asks Giles Tongue, VP of Marketing at Bango, if bundling is “cable 2.或者别的什么.

Tongue says that the initial rise of subscription services and the ease of signing up for them created the “unbundling” of cable, but it also created the problem of too many services and “subscription fatigue” for consumers. 但他表示,这与流媒体服务捆绑在一起, “We're now seeing an opportunity to give people back control to consolidate their subscriptions once again. 他们正在寻找这种控制. We have lots of data which says if they could regain that control, they'll be able to subscribe to more products and enjoy more services. A third of people are subscribing to products they're not even using. 所以现在是一团糟. 所以不是电缆2.0, it's a recalibration of the market bringing things together.”

The benefits of streaming bundles combined with cable, satellite, and telco providers

Mark Loughney, 高级顾问, Hub娱乐研究, 根据他们最近的研究, “One of the more surprising results is that if these services are bundled on your cable, satellite, 或者电信供应商, 顾客对这种服务的满意度更高. So if you are a Comcast or you are a Charter and you see that kind of data, 你为什么不做这些事呢? 你为什么不推出声控遥控器呢, 这些都是帮助人们组织的东西吗, discover, 并最终对他们的服务更满意?”

Villar says, “I think it's interesting how market consolidation or bundling impacts different types of players in the space.她问内容主管亚当·萨尔蒙斯 & Business Development, Philo, how bundling specifically impacts his company.

“我认为这是针对像我们这样的玩家, it's an opportunity because we're seeing people partner in ways they haven't before,萨尔蒙斯说. “菲罗仍然非常专注于线性电视, 我们为合作伙伴提供重要的收入来源. And I think having additional products is an opportunity for us to work with them in a new way, 提高我们带给用户的价值, 最终让他们订阅我们的时间更长.”

Why streaming bundles are less simple to manage than cable bundles

Villar asks Anastasia Pronin, Team Lead, Partner Growth, Roku, how bundling has impacted her work.

普罗宁认为,原来的有线电视捆绑是, in many ways, 更容易管理分销商和用户. “You signed up for a certain package, and your content was distributed,” she says. “Even now, with all the bundles popping up, there's just so much choice. 你不可能一夜之间就推出这些产品. There are contractual, operational, and technical considerations. 你不能马上就把这些东西点燃. So I think that fragmentation is definitely causing some headaches. On the platform side and on the content side, we're all trying to figure it out together.”

However, 尽管存在这些挑战, Pronin notes that streaming bundles have so far proven to reduce churn. “We're seeing churn that's much lower for bundles, somewhere in the ballpark of 40% less,” she says. Still, she wonders if that is enough to sustain the current bundling market.



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Preventing subscriber churn is the oldest problem in the streaming subscription business, 捆绑销售并不是一个新的解决方案, as analyst Paul Erickson points out in this clip from 流媒体连接2024. So with a purported "Great Rebundling" upon us—and with tiered offerings, 混合广告模式, and other revenue-generating approaches increasingly holding sway—how do contemporary bundling/rebundling strategies differ from old ones and offer greater avenues to success? 安培分析公司的Guy Bisson说, Jon Giegengack报道, and Antenna's Rameez Tase offer their takes on current bundling and aggregation strategies and which ones are working in 2024.


在捆绑流媒体服务方面, 除了价格,还有其他因素需要考虑, 产品差异化, 而提供捆绑包的内容将会交付. 根据Roku的Anastasia Pronin所说, 菲罗的亚当·萨尔蒙斯, 还有班戈的贾尔斯舌头, the key to an effective and profitable streaming bundle is identifying consumer needs and pain points and delivering a bundle that addresses those needs, and they explain how to do it in this clip from 纽约流媒体.

Are Super Bundles the Future of Subscription-Based Streaming?

用户流失是流媒体服务不可避免的现实, and much of the strategic thinking that goes into trying to make SVOD profitable focuses on how to minimize its impact, 无论是通过提供更多的内容, 整合广告层, 或者进入各种捆绑场景. 那么2024年哪些是可行的,哪些是无效的? 五领M & eshap的埃文·夏皮罗报道, 我是保罗·埃里克森, Dataxis的Ophelie Boucaud说, TVREV的艾伦·沃尔克报道, and Jon Giegengack报道—discuss current strategies to ward off churn-pocalypse in this clip from 流媒体连接2024.


菲罗的亚当·萨尔蒙斯 discusses how to make skinny OTT bundles work through personalization and drilling down into exactly how users are interacting with your OTT service.


瘦骨嶙峋的OTT套餐都去哪儿了? Roku's Randy Ahn and Kaltura's Miguel Rodrigues discuss the shifting dynamics and economics of OTT subscriptions and how to deal with them in this clip from 流媒体 West Connect 2021.